It seems like there is a new problem on Webkinz World everyday. People are missing their items, or they cannot access the website at all. You would think Ganz would be doing everything possible to keep their customers happy. This doesn't seem to be the case.
Today we awoke to find we couldn't see any of the Webkinz daily activities. This might not seem like a big deal, but today was the day to get a spin on the Wheel of the Month. This can only be done at a certain time during the day. of course Webkinz picks that time to be having more issues.
When you adopt your pet you get exclusive prizes with it. People are not getting those prizes, or they get an empty box. Items that they already have in their dock are coming up missing. When they call customer service they are told there is nothing that can be done to get the items back. many kids and parents are getting fed up with Webkinz.
Could this mean an end coming for Webkinz? If another company could come up with a similar product and offer better customer service Webkinz could be a thing of the past very soon. How much longer will people continue to put up with the problems Webkinz world is facing on a daily basis.
I would hate to see Webkinz end, but I also hate dealing with the problems all the time. I can see a website having a problem once in awhile, but not several times a week. We have a lot of money invested into are Webkinz collection. I would hate to see it all go down the drain.
What do you think will happen to Webkinz if the problems do not stop soon?