Children with Autism have many behaviors that are a direct result of the Autism. However, that being said, they need to be taught right from wrong. Autism is not an excuse for every bad behavior they exhibit. I hate hearing Oh, he does that because he's Autistic. No, I am sorry, he does that because he has been given a free pass his whole life. He has learned that he can use Autism as an excuse. He can do or act however he chooses and nothing will be done.
Now don't get me wrong, I know exactly how challenging the behaviors can be with a child that has Autism. You have to keep working with them and teach them right from wrong. They have to learn there are consequences when they make a bad choice. If you do not, you are setting them up for future failure.
This past week I watched ABC's What Would You Do. I was very pleased to see the diners standing up for the child with Autism. They were not quick to judge the child's behaviors. They had compassion for the parents and the child. I was not happy with the way the diners thought it was alright for the child to steal food from another customers plate. They said he has something wrong with him and that was why he took the food. It is never okay for a child to steal food from another person's plate. Let alone a stranger's plate. He needed to be taught right from wrong and not that it was alright because he has Autism. What if he was in a store and stole an item? Would it still be alright?
Autism is not an excuse for bad behaviors. I know this is not the case for every parent with a child that has Autism. The parents that choose to use Autism as an excuse are what makes the rest of us who try doing the right thing look bad.
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The true ups and downs of raising a child with multiple mental illnesses
16 April 2012

About me
- Heather
- I have spent most of my adult life( and now that I think about it) my entire life dealing with anxiety. Anxiety controls my entire life. I am never sure from one day to the next if I will be able to leave the house or answer the phone. Now add in Fibromyalgia and I spend most days in constant pain. Sleep is something that I always crave but never am satisfied. I toss and turn all night trying to get comfortable. Restless Leg Syndrome adds to the joy of trying to get a good night's sleep. My hair is falling out hand-fulls at a time. Stress is a major cause of flair ups. I have a daughter with special needs that include Autism, ADHD, Mood d/o-nos, and Obsessive Compulsive tendencies. I am also the caretaker of my 95 yr old grandmother with mental health issues of her own. Stress is a major part of my life. I was diagnosed with PCOS 13 yrs ago. After having a hysterectomy I had hoped for improvement. Of course that did not happen. You all know what they say about if it wasn't for bad luck I would have no luck at all, right? I have found writing to be therapeutic, and hope to help others by letting them know, they are not alone.
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