Happy Birthday little William! He turns one year old today.Little William also welcomed his new sister Kelly home last week.He is such a cute and happy baby.He always has a smile on his face.
In other news it saddens me the way the whole Anna Nicole situation is turning out. Why are there so many people fighting over her body?They didn't care when she was alive why bother now.Let the poor woman be buried next to her son. I don't know about who the father of Dannielyn is ,but that poor child's future is on the line.I truly believe that Howard loves her and would make a wonderful father .He stood by Anna Nicole for many years and loved her through all her faults.I hope the situation is wrapped up soon and they can try to pick up he pieces and build some type of normal life.
Well that is about all that is happening here today.Be sure to check out my new article on How Becoming a Mother Changed my Life. I hope all is well with everyone.
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