Photo by Holger Selover-Stephan
Now don't get me wrong I love having my daughter home and the neighborhood kids around, but I really miss my few hours of peace and quiet everyday while the kids are in school. With one month to go until the school bus appears I find myself counting down the days. Surely I am not the only one wishing school was here again. I just need a few hours of quiet to get some work done. We are almost finished with back to school shopping and now it's just a waiting game. The kids are getting bored now, and after spending so much time together they have begun to argue. I would much rather have year long school with two week breaks during each semester. This way the kids can enjoy a break, but they dont get bored. Maybe even a month off during the Summer.
Our county fair starts today. My daughter can't wait until we go. I really enjoy the fair. I love everything about it right down to the smell of the food and the noise of the rides. I love seeing all the rides and attractions lit up at night.
Well I guess that is enough ramblings from me today.I hope everyone is having a safe and happy Summer.
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