We were on a mission today for Webkinz. We got lucky and found the Webkinz on sale at our local Hallmark store. They had some for half price. We got five at the first store. To our Webkinz collection we added the Lil'kinz Yorke, Lil'kinz Basset Hound, Spotted Frog. Leopard, and the Bull Frog.
Next we went to a local Pharmacy and found the new Webkinz trading cards. We also got some of the new Webkinz figurines. They had the new carrying cases. So we added three charms, a carrying bad, and the Lil'kinz Persian, and the Dalmatian. These were all regular price.
Next we visited another Hallmark store to see if by chance they had any on sale. They did. We got the Tree frog, Lil'kinz Unicorn, Yorke, and Lil'kinz St. Bernard.
Our last stop was to Bob Evans. They had the Monkey we were after. We were ready to check out and spotted the new release Webkinz behind the counter. We got the new Webkinz Tye Dye frog, Velvet elephant, Grey Arabian, and the Black Poodle.
Fifteen Webkinz later we were down with our mission. We are very happy with all of our Webkinz finds. Now we are waiting until next month for the next batch of new Webkinz.
Until next time have a great weekend.