Webkinz Insider was great to let us know about the new Holiday Webkinz that will be released this year and early next year. Read more in my article found here.
There has been a lot happening in Webkinz world these past few weeks. They opened a brand new Wish Factory where you can get some of the exclusives you have been wanting. So far the ways to get wish tokens have been limited. You can get the with the Pet of the Month adoptions and in special spins on the Wheel of Wishes. Your also suppose to get one on your birthday and Webkinz Day(when ever that may be). We will watch and see how that turns out. So far I am not to impressed with it. It takes at least 10 wish tokens to enter the Wish Factory. This could take awhile to collect enough of the tokens.
Webkinz also finally retired the Love Puppy and the Sherbert Bunny. They had talked about releasing them again sometime next year. This is very disappointing to all the Webkinz collectors that missed out on them. Now the only way to get them will be through auction sites like eBay.
Webkinz gave us a new Pink theme to use in decorating our pets rooms. Also some of the pieces were missing. It showed a blue box instead of the actual item. Little did anyone know if you place the box in a room it locks you out of it. Hopefully Webkinz will fix this problem ASAP.
Well thats about all of the news I have for now. Stay tuned for your fix of Webkinz World news.
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