Here we go again. Things were going so good for awhile. Now were back dealing with all the problems we had before. Caitlyn is so hyper and wound up she cannot sit still or focus. The aggression and fits are returning. We had her to the regular monthly med check last month and while things were doing alright, she had begun not being able to focus as well as before. She was also having bathroom accidents at night and during school. The doctor felt it was all related to the ADHD and she needed an increase in the medicine. Since that day everything has spiraled out of control.
We are getting letters from school daily about the lack of focus. They want to know if she has taken her meds. When we ask Caitlyn how her day went she completely breaks down. She is frustrated with the other kids in her class. She has all this stuff bottled up and saves it for us.
We got her in to see a doctor this past Monday. Her regular doctor is out of town for a few weeks. The new doctor gave us a couple options. We are trying an increase to one of her meds( Concerta) to see if it can help her to focus and remain seated for more than a few minutes.
Both doctors have mentioned Bipolar. Caitlyn will be so happy one minute and then in the midst of a fit the next minute. Yesterday she was whining and carrying on over homework. In the next breath she was saying she was sorry and then a completely different mood. How can some one's mood change so quick?
We are trying everything we can to help her. We have help from a TSS and BSC. They come to the home each week and we work on ways of dealing with behaviors. They work on teaching Caitlyn ways of expressing her feelings besides having a meltdown.
Each night we know that there will be some type of episode. Homework is a huge issue. It takes us two hours to do what should be done in 40 minutes at most. We will hear all the events of the day. These can be something as small as Caitlyn not being able to use a pen to do her work. It will set her off until she has told us the entire drawn out story. Even after, sometimes hours later, she will go back to that event and start all over again.
I guess I have rambled on enough for today. If anyone has any advice they would like to share feel free.
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The true ups and downs of raising a child with multiple mental illnesses
30 April 2009
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About me
- Heather
- I have spent most of my adult life( and now that I think about it) my entire life dealing with anxiety. Anxiety controls my entire life. I am never sure from one day to the next if I will be able to leave the house or answer the phone. Now add in Fibromyalgia and I spend most days in constant pain. Sleep is something that I always crave but never am satisfied. I toss and turn all night trying to get comfortable. Restless Leg Syndrome adds to the joy of trying to get a good night's sleep. My hair is falling out hand-fulls at a time. Stress is a major cause of flair ups. I have a daughter with special needs that include Autism, ADHD, Mood d/o-nos, and Obsessive Compulsive tendencies. I am also the caretaker of my 95 yr old grandmother with mental health issues of her own. Stress is a major part of my life. I was diagnosed with PCOS 13 yrs ago. After having a hysterectomy I had hoped for improvement. Of course that did not happen. You all know what they say about if it wasn't for bad luck I would have no luck at all, right? I have found writing to be therapeutic, and hope to help others by letting them know, they are not alone.
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