12 January 2010

Weather and Special Needs Children

Anyone who tells you the weather doesn't have an effect on special needs children obviously doesn't have a special needs child. The snow and cold are really taking a toll on our household.

I am not sure what it is but every parent of a special need child that I know are dealing with similar problems. The children are wound up and very moody. They seem to believe they have magically been put in charge of the parents.

Rules? What are rules? We had been making small progress with being compliant, but lately that has gone out the window. No matter what I say my daughter does not listen. She argues over everything I tell her. I could say it is cold outside and she will argue for an hour that it is indeed warm enough for short sleeves.

I cannot wait for spring to be here. We need to be able to get out and burn off some of this pent up frustration, anger?, that she is experiencing right now. Maybe it was the two full moons we had last month.