Well at least American got the voting better this week. While I can't wait for Sanjaya to leave I am pleased with Haley going home. Simon had it right when he said she was wearing as little clothing as possible. Good looks won't always help you. As far as Sanjaya goes, he gives me the creeps. One of these days America has to wake up and realize they can't vote him to be the next American Idol.
Next order of business for the day is the Amazing Race. They are getting down to the wire now with only four teams remaining. I must admit I hated to see Uchenna and Joyce go. I find myself cheering for Mirna and Charla now. They have overcame so many obstacles they deserve to win. Although I do find them to be very annoying at times. If not them maybe Oswald and Danny.I think the beauty queens made a mistake when they needlessly used a block on Eric and Danielle. That may come back to bite them in the butt. We'll see what happens this week.
Tonight we have Survivor. Will the two tribes finally merge? I wonder where they will live. From the previews it looks like maybe Exile Island. That would be more of a Survivor test than the way they have been living. We'll have to see if the Immunity Idols come into play as well.
Well thats all from me today. It's pouring rain ,a good day to stay in bed. Be sure to check out my latest articles on Associated Content. I really appreciate any comments on the articles.
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