Last nights Survivor was one the best I have seen. Tribal council was terrific. The Four Horsemen as they like to call themselves were brought down a level. They have been under the impression they are running the camp. That was proven wrong in last nights episode. They all had big smiles on their faces when Alex presented the Immunity Idol to Jeff. Those smiles soon turned to frowns when they seen Alex wasn't the one being cast off. Edgardo couldn't of been more surprised when Jeff said he was the next to go. Mookie was dumb enough to give the idol away so he deserves to be voted out as well. I have to worry though, from the previews for next weeks show the remaining horsemen find out that Yau-man has the other Immunity Idol. They may try to turn his alliances against him. Hopefully it will not work and another horsemen will leave.
On to American Idol, how great it it that American Idol voters finally got it right. Sanjaya was sent packing. No more bad hair-dos and hideous vocals. The remaining contestant all have something Sanjaya lacked, talent. This next weeks show looks to be a huge deal. They have several stars appearing in a special two night event. I don't know what genre the contestants will sing from. It looks to be a very entertaining show with all the celebrities.
This week is the season finale of The Apprentice. I am cheering for Frankie. He is the outspoken rough guy from the Bronx. He has such a strong drive, I really believe he would be a great asset to Trump and his company. This year they are doing things different. Usually they had two finalists and they would put on some big fundraisers or event. This year they have four finalists and no event. It will be interesting to see how Mr. Trump makes his choice.
Well thats all from me for now. It is going to be a beautiful day so get out there and enjoy it.
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