24 February 2012

Ack! My daughter is a hoarder

Have you ever watched the show Hoarders? This is my daughter. Going into her bedroom makes me want to cry. She insists on keeping everything. This includes water bottles, card board, paper, pieces of things, fabric scraps and bits, and anything else that one would usually throw away. I have no clue how she can stand to be in the room. 

 This weekend we will be tearing down the wall in between her room and the storage room to make her bedroom bigger. I know, I know, I can hear you now. If you give her more room she will get more stuff. I am hoping since she will have more room for shelving and a bookcase, that she will actually keep it cleaner. Notice I did not say clean. I will settle for cleaner.

 Every two weeks or so I go into her room and do a thorough cleaning. If I did not her bed would disappear. Each time I do a cleaning it is like torture for her. She doesn't want to part with any bit or scrap. She has fifty reason why she should be allowed to keep whatever it is I am trying to toss. So we discuss why she should or shouldn't keep the item and move on. It can take hours. I can't say I understand why hoarders want to keep everything, but I do understand the look of sadness and fear on my daughter's face when I try to get rid of something. 

 My daughter's case manager and I have a joke about how I will be cleaning her house even after she moves out someday. As funny as it can be, it most likely is the truth. Do any of you have a child that hoards? Have you had any luck helping them change?