12 November 2008

Keep your Autistic Child on Their Schedule During the Holidays

The holiday season is a busy time. There are often many outings and visitors to your home. Your normal schedule may fly right out the window. This can be very hard on an autistic child. They thrive on a schedule. When their schedule is messed up, the parents can be in for a day filled with several meltdowns.

This does not have to happen. You and your family can still enjoy all the holidays have to offer and stick to your autistic child's schedule.You can find several great tips to help you keep your autistic child on a schedule during the busy holiday season.

If You Live in PA and Have an Autistic Child, you can get them a PA Medical Card

Any parent of an autistic child knows how expensive the treatments and therapies can be. They can easily spend thousands of dollars a month. If you live in PA there is help. Autistic children living in PA can get the medical card to help offset the costs of treatment. Find out how to get your autistic child a PA medical card.

24 June 2008

It's Been Awhile: Changes Are Coming

I know it has been awhile since my last posting. Things have been very hectic in my life. My daughter has been diagnosed as having ADHD- combined, OCD, PDD-NOS, and a sensory disorder. We have been busy going to different doctor appointments. Our main goal is to get her the help she needs. Our insurance company does not make this easy. they refuse to pay for most of the things she needs for treatment because it does not involve the use of drugs.

I don't know why they wouldn't want to try other methods of treatment before shoving drugs down our throats. So back to my blog. I am going to be focusing more on her conditions and different treatments we try. We would like to share our journey to help others in the same boat.

27 March 2008

Catch a cheating Spouse by Checking Online Browsing History

Find out how to check a computers browser history to see if your spouse is cheating on you.

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20 March 2008

Happy Spring and Other Ramblings

Today is the first day of spring. Wouldn't it figure that the weather would be cold and winter like. At least we know warmer weather is headed are way soon. I still can't believe Easter is this weekend. I guess we should be glad we get to see it this early. It will not be this early again for another 200 years or so.

In Webkinz news be sure to log into your account on Easter Sunday for your spring gift. There will also be eggs floating around Webkinz world. If you see an egg float by click on it. You will get some tasty chocolate eggs for your pets to enjoy. Guess Webkinz doesn't know most animals cannot eat chocolate.

14 March 2008

Ganz Confirms New Holiday Webkinz for 2008 and Other March News

Webkinz Insider was great to let us know about the new Holiday Webkinz that will be released this year and early next year. Read more in my article found here.
There has been a lot happening in Webkinz world these past few weeks. They opened a brand new Wish Factory where you can get some of the exclusives you have been wanting. So far the ways to get wish tokens have been limited. You can get the with the Pet of the Month adoptions and in special spins on the Wheel of Wishes. Your also suppose to get one on your birthday and Webkinz Day(when ever that may be). We will watch and see how that turns out. So far I am not to impressed with it. It takes at least 10 wish tokens to enter the Wish Factory. This could take awhile to collect enough of the tokens.

Webkinz also finally retired the Love Puppy and the Sherbert Bunny. They had talked about releasing them again sometime next year. This is very disappointing to all the Webkinz collectors that missed out on them. Now the only way to get them will be through auction sites like eBay.

Webkinz gave us a new Pink theme to use in decorating our pets rooms. Also some of the pieces were missing. It showed a blue box instead of the actual item. Little did anyone know if you place the box in a room it locks you out of it. Hopefully Webkinz will fix this problem ASAP.

Well thats about all of the news I have for now. Stay tuned for your fix of Webkinz World news.

08 March 2008

It's Time to Spring Forward

Daylight savings time is upon us again. Don't forget to set your clocks ahead an hour tonight. It will be so great to have more daylight. At least it will start to look like warmer weather is right around the corner even if it is snowing again.

06 March 2008

Great Deals on Webkinz

If you are looking for some great deals on cheap Webkinz head over to my Squidoo page. I have listed some great priced Webkinz that are on sale right now. They have seasonal and some retired for great cheap prices. I would hurry though, there is no guarantee on how long the sale will last.

28 February 2008

New Webkinz Coming in April

Ganz will be making Webkinz fans happy with some more new Webkinz in April. Find out what the new Webkinz will be in this article.

Which of the new Webkinz do you look forward to getting the most?
My choice is for the lizard. Now I just have to start thinking up some names for the new Webkinz.

24 February 2008

Webkinz Releases Two New Super Beds

Webkinz gives you an Exclusive Super Bed after you adopt your tenth pet and then every five more. So you get an Exclusive Bed box for your 10,15,20,25,30, etc. They just released two new Super Beds for your pet to enjoy.

The new super beds include a Monster bed and a Rose bed. The Monster bed would go great in a Halloween  room. While the Rose bed would go great with the Charm Fairy theme. of course they would also go great with any theme you come up with.

The Monster bed has red glowing eyes coming from under the bed. If you have been saving your Exclusive Super Bed box now might be the time to use it.

23 February 2008

Is Webkinz Getting Too Big?

It seems like there is a new problem on Webkinz World everyday. People are missing their items, or they cannot access the website at all. You would think Ganz would be doing everything possible to keep their customers happy. This doesn't seem to be the case.

Today we awoke to find we couldn't see any of the Webkinz daily activities. This might not seem like a big deal, but today was the day to get a spin on the Wheel of the Month. This can only be done at a certain time during the day. of course Webkinz picks that time to be having more issues.

When you adopt your pet you get exclusive prizes with it. People are not getting those prizes, or they get an empty box. Items that they already have in their dock are coming up missing. When they call customer service they are told there is nothing that can be done to get the items back. many kids and parents are getting fed up with Webkinz.

Could this mean an end coming for Webkinz? If another company could come up with a similar product and offer better customer service Webkinz could be a thing of the past very soon. How much longer will people continue to put up with the problems Webkinz world is facing on a daily basis.

I would hate to see Webkinz end, but I also hate dealing with the problems all the time. I can see a website having a problem once in awhile, but not several times a week. We have a lot of money invested into are Webkinz collection. I would hate to see it all go down the drain.

What do you think will happen to Webkinz if the problems do not stop soon?

21 February 2008

To Much on TV

A few weeks ago we had nothing to watch in the evening on TV. Now we have way to much. Three and four shows at the same time is to much. I am DVRing as much as I can. We record two shows in the living room and go to bed to watch another. What are the networks thinking? Why must they cram all the shows in one night. This is a sure way for a good show to fail. I don't know what will happen when the shows affected by the writer's strike return. We try to catch up on the shows we recorded on the weekend, but it doesn't always happen. maybe we watch to many shows and should give up some. The problem is choosing which ones.


Each week we watch Prison break(finished for season), American Idol, Big Brother, Wife Swap, Super Nanny, According to Jim, Car Poolers, Jon and Kate Plus 8, Celebrity Apprentice, Survivor, Lost, Biggest Loser, Moment of Truth, Don't Forget the Lyrics, Paradise Hotel, Girls Next Door, and the occasional Deal or No Deal. There are only so many free hours in a week to watch these shows.


I still have most of last season of Desperate Housewives to watch. I don't know what I would do without my DVR. It is the greatest thing they came up with. How do you keep up with all of your favorite shows?

More Snow, Blah!

I hate snow and slush. Everything outside is a muddy mess and of course that mess gets tracked inside. I can't wait for Spring to get here. I wouldn't even mind the snow so much if it didn't snow then rain in the same day. That is where all the mud and slush come from. Do you like the snow?

I heard some bird singing the other day. Surely that is a sign of Spring coming soon. Maybe I need to move where it is warm all year. Guess I would still have the mud to deal with though. Can't win for losing. Have a great day!

19 February 2008

Prison Break Leaves us Hanging Again

With last nights season finale of Prison break we are left to wonder the fate of our favorite characters. I can only hope the show will return sooner than later. I hate waiting.

When we left last night Michael was on his way to track down Gretchen. He wants his revenge for Sarah. Gretchen was the one who supposedly killed her. We saw Whistler meet Mahone at a bar. It looks like Mahone will be joining The Company. What is with Whistler and The Company anyway?

Lincoln was last seen at the hospital with Sofia. Will they now become a happy family with his son LJ? So many unanswered questions. What will become of Sucre? He was left to rot inside the walls of Sona. Now with T-bag leading the prison will anyone be safe? I have to admit as bad as Lecharo was I kind of liked him. It won't be the same without him.

Now we are left to wait until the next season of Prison Break. Due to the writer's strike we do not know when the show will return. I for one hope they don't make us wait until next year, but I suppose it is possible. What are your thoughts on last nights show?

08 February 2008

Make Your Tween Girl a Hannah Montana-Themed Easter Basket

Instead of filling an Easter basket with candy how about making your tween girl a basket filled with Hannah Montana goodies.

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07 February 2008

Webkinz World for Moms

If you are a mom addicted to Webkinz this is the page for you. You'll find all types of Webkinz info from pet of the month to new Webkinz coming out.

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04 February 2008

Upcoming Webkinz Pet of the Month

Webkinz picks a new pet each month to be the exclusive Pet of the Month. The Webkinz Pet of the Month receives a special gift box full of goodies if you register the pet during the month it has been choose. Don't worry if you already have the pet registered with Webkinz you can still participate in all the extra daily activities they offer.

February Pet of the Month is the Webkinz Cow.
March Pet of the Month will be the Lil'kinz Pig.( Must be the Lil'kinz to qualify)
April's Pet of the Month will be the Webkinz Pink Poodle. (Must be full size to qualify)

Look in your favorite store to purchase Webkinz to find the Pet of the Month.

29 January 2008

Ways to Earn Kinz Cash Without Using A Webkinz Cheat Code

Find out about Webkinz cheat codes and ways to earn more Kinz cash.

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14 January 2008

New Webkinz are Coming Soon

February will be another busy month in Webkinz world. Five new Webkinz will be making their appearance. Find out which new Webkinz are coming here.

12 January 2008

Hooray! We got more New Webkinz

We were on a mission today for Webkinz. We got lucky and found the Webkinz on sale at our local Hallmark store. They had some for half price. We got five at the first store. To our Webkinz collection we added the Lil'kinz Yorke, Lil'kinz Basset Hound, Spotted Frog. Leopard, and the Bull Frog.

Next we went to a local Pharmacy and found the new Webkinz trading cards. We also got some of the new Webkinz figurines. They had the new carrying cases. So we added three charms, a carrying bad, and the Lil'kinz Persian, and the Dalmatian. These were all regular price.

Next we visited another Hallmark store to see if by chance they had any on sale. They did. We got the Tree frog, Lil'kinz Unicorn, Yorke, and Lil'kinz St. Bernard.

Our last stop was to Bob Evans. They had the Monkey we were after. We were ready to check out and spotted the new release Webkinz behind the counter. We got the new Webkinz Tye Dye frog, Velvet elephant, Grey Arabian, and the Black Poodle.

Fifteen Webkinz later we were down with our mission. We are very happy with all of our Webkinz finds. Now we are waiting until next month for the next batch of new Webkinz.

Until next time have a great weekend.

10 January 2008

2008 will be a busy year for Webkinz

Webkinz has announced several new pets coming to Webkinz World. This will keep all the Webkinz collectors rather busy trying to find them in stores. One of the 2008 new releases is the Love Frog. He is in stores now. We got ours this past Monday and I must say he is adorable. He would make a great Valentines Day gift for your child.

Also it has been announced by Webkinz Insider that March's Pet of the Month will be the Lil'kinz pig. Remember it must be the Lil'kinz to get the gifts and monthly extras.

08 January 2008

What are your Goals for 2008?

With the new year underway it got me to thinking about what my goals were for the year. Notice I didn't refer tot hem as New Year's resolutions. There is a reason for that. I usually fail at my resolutions. Instead I am going to set some goals I would like to accomplish by the end of 2008. What are the goals you have for 2008? Mine are as follows.
1) Write more, I love to write. Sometimes I get so busy in life I just do not have the time or focus to do so. This year I hope to write something every day.

2) Focus on getting healthier. I am not going to say diet. If I do I am doomed to failure. Instead I am going to try and do things that will improve my health.

3) Prepare to home school my daughter. At the start of the new school year I will be homeschooling my daughter. She has ADHD and the school setting is not working out for her. I think she will do much better at home where she can get up and run around if she needs to.

Thats is some of the goals I have set for this new year. What about you?