30 May 2012

How do you control weight gain from mood stabilizers

         My daughter has been on a mood stabilizer for a couple of years now. The appetite that comes from the medicine is never ending. She can eat a meal and five minutes later be asking for something else. I understand portion control and limiting what she eats, but when I tell her no she cannot have anything else it is like I have unleashed an evil monster.

        I would love to find an alternative to the mood stabilizer. We are replacing her wardrobe monthly. She is outgrowing her clothes as fast as we get them home it seems. Not to mention the guilt I feel when I have to tell her she can't have anymore to eat right then. I know it is for her own good. It is a terrible cycle that keeps repeating itself daily.

         When she is off the mood stabilizer it is a whole other dose of evil. She goes into uncontrollable rages. She beats her head off of whatever is nearest to her at that moment. I see the anger and aggression now while she is on the medicine. Now however, it is controllable and I can redirect her.

          If anyone has suggestions of herbal supplements or even vitamins that can help with the aggression and replace the mood stabilizer I am all for it. How do we keep the weight gain down, while helping keep the rage away?