Well the rain has moved in and doesn't have any plans of moving on anytime soon.It's a good day to be working on writing some articles.I am glad it's Friday,the weeks seemed to fly right by. I was hoping for a nice sunny weekend to be able to be outdoors.I don't think that is going to happen.It's going to be in the 70's next week though.I love a sunny warm day,makes me feel so carefree and happy.
We don't have any weekend plans as of yet.With the rain it might be a good weekend to rent some movies.The weekends are lousy for television shows.It used to be every weekend was a different show on TV land .Shows like Leave it to Beaver an The Munsters would play for 48 hours straight.I enjoyed those very much,it always left something to fall back on if nothing else was on.Maybe they will come back with those soon.The Last Mimzy starts today ,maybe we will go see it.The previews look very promising.The only problem with going to the movies is my daughter falls asleep everytime.I don't see how anyone could sleep there ,it's so loud.
Well thats really it from me for now.Enjoy your Friday .
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