I have taken a break from writing.It really wasn't an intentional break.I just can't seem to get motivated to write.I think about topics I would like to write about.but that is as far as I have gotten.I have to get back to writing ,I need to be strict and set aside a certain number of hours a week to devote to my writing.The sad thing is I love to write.I have very strong opinions on certain subjects and like a good debate.So why is it I can't put my thoughts to paper? Associated Content has made some wonderful improvements to their site for the writers.I am thrilled with the page view bonus.I try and promote my content and now it will be worth the extra effort. If anyone is interested in doing some writing of their own I highly recommend Associated Content.Here is a link to the site
They offer a great opportunity to improve one's writing skills.
Tonight Prison Break returns .They only have a few episodes remaining for the season.I can't wait to see if Lincoln and Michael get on the ship and escape.I also want to see T-bag get captured.He is a menace to society and should be locked away forever.A lot of the shows we watch are on a break it seems so maybe I will get to watch a few new ones. We enjoy watching How Clean IS Your House,on BBC at 7:30pm weeknights. The houses they go into to clean are scary.One last week found dead mice under the junk laying around in the house.She was a cleaner for others to boot.Some of the houses should be condemned they are so filthy.
Well enough from me for today.I hope everyone is well and enjoying their week.
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