Finally after all the days of twenty degree temps things are looking up.With the first full day of Spring we have a nice 65 degree day.The sun is shining and I actually heard some birds singing this morning.Gotta love Spring. Even if it's going to rain later I still got to have the windows open for a bit.
I was watching TV this morning ,well more like listening while doing other things.They were discussing dust mites and bed bugs.Very nasty little creatures that use your bed for their own personal playground.This also includes being a restroom for the critters. So of course this gave me the creeps and i stripped all the beds in the house and cleaned and washed the bedding.I change the sheets on a regular basis mind you ,but something about hearing there could be bugs sleeping along beside me made me want to do it again.They explained that when you buy a new pillow it weighs a certain amount.Then if you were to weigh the pillow a few years later like to years,it would weigh up to a pound or even more then when new.The reason for the weight increase is the dust mites that have taken up residency in your bedding.
Gives me chills just thinking about it. So last night was American Idol.I was pleasantly surprised how well most of the contestants did. Even Sanjaya improved majorly.I thought it was rather amusing when the little girl was crying in the audience.Simon thought she hated Sanjaya and that was the cause of the tears.Turns out she really likes him.I do believe that is what has saved him in the competition.There are thousands of teeny boppers that think he is the next best thing.I think he has a certain feminine look about him.It's like he hasn't hit puberty.The sad thing is he has already.Guess we will have to see what happens.I am excited to see when they do the J-Lo week and when they try their take at Gwen Stephani.Should make for two interesting weeks.
Well enough rambling from me.I hope everyone is well and having a great first week of Spring.
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