So on last nights episode of Survivor Rocky finally got booted off.He had a bad attitude and made the other tribe members feel uneasy.I am surprised that he lasted this long.Yao Man found the immunity idol and came up with a great plan to trick the others into thinking the idol was still to be found.He made his own version and buried back in the ground.How funny will it be if someone finds the fake idol and tries to use it.
American Idol was a huge disappointment this week.I was really looking forward to the contestants singing from Gwen Stefani's songs. Instead the majority sang songs that Gwen had been inspired by.The vote was a good one this week except that Sanjaya is still there.While the teeny boppers might like him ,I would hate to see what happens if he were to win.He cannot sing,or dance.His hair was terrible.I just want him to go home.This week the contestants will sing songs from Tony Bennet.
Well that is all I have for you for now.Have a great Friday,get out and enjoy the nice weather.
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