Melatonin is found naturally in the body. Some kids do not produce enough. Taking a Melatonin supplement can help kids with ADHD get some much needed sleep.
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Well here we are the first day of October. It sure hasn't felt like Fall, or October. The temps are still in the 80's here during the day. I love Fall and really look forward to the cooler days. I can't believe it's October already. Christmas is so close. I am way behind this year. Usually I have a good majority of my shopping complete by now. I have not even started. Oh well, I like shopping when the stores are all decorated and they play holiday music.
It's time to start thinking about Halloween costumes for my daughter. She can be picky so I am not sure what she will want to go as this year. Any suggestions?
Well that is it from the Shockney house today. Have a great day.
Picture created by Debora Brothers

Photo by Holger Selover-Stephan
Now don't get me wrong I love having my daughter home and the neighborhood kids around, but I really miss my few hours of peace and quiet everyday while the kids are in school. With one month to go until the school bus appears I find myself counting down the days. Surely I am not the only one wishing school was here again. I just need a few hours of quiet to get some work done. We are almost finished with back to school shopping and now it's just a waiting game. The kids are getting bored now, and after spending so much time together they have begun to argue. I would much rather have year long school with two week breaks during each semester. This way the kids can enjoy a break, but they dont get bored. Maybe even a month off during the Summer.
Our county fair starts today. My daughter can't wait until we go. I really enjoy the fair. I love everything about it right down to the smell of the food and the noise of the rides. I love seeing all the rides and attractions lit up at night.
Well I guess that is enough ramblings from me today.I hope everyone is having a safe and happy Summer.

Last nights Survivor was one the best I have seen. Tribal council was terrific. The Four Horsemen as they like to call themselves were brought down a level. They have been under the impression they are running the camp. That was proven wrong in last nights episode. They all had big smiles on their faces when Alex presented the Immunity Idol to Jeff. Those smiles soon turned to frowns when they seen Alex wasn't the one being cast off. Edgardo couldn't of been more surprised when Jeff said he was the next to go. Mookie was dumb enough to give the idol away so he deserves to be voted out as well. I have to worry though, from the previews for next weeks show the remaining horsemen find out that Yau-man has the other Immunity Idol. They may try to turn his alliances against him. Hopefully it will not work and another horsemen will leave.
On to American Idol, how great it it that American Idol voters finally got it right. Sanjaya was sent packing. No more bad hair-dos and hideous vocals. The remaining contestant all have something Sanjaya lacked, talent. This next weeks show looks to be a huge deal. They have several stars appearing in a special two night event. I don't know what genre the contestants will sing from. It looks to be a very entertaining show with all the celebrities.
This week is the season finale of The Apprentice. I am cheering for Frankie. He is the outspoken rough guy from the Bronx. He has such a strong drive, I really believe he would be a great asset to Trump and his company. This year they are doing things different. Usually they had two finalists and they would put on some big fundraisers or event. This year they have four finalists and no event. It will be interesting to see how Mr. Trump makes his choice.
Well thats all from me for now. It is going to be a beautiful day so get out there and enjoy it.

Well at least American got the voting better this week. While I can't wait for Sanjaya to leave I am pleased with Haley going home. Simon had it right when he said she was wearing as little clothing as possible. Good looks won't always help you. As far as Sanjaya goes, he gives me the creeps. One of these days America has to wake up and realize they can't vote him to be the next American Idol.
Next order of business for the day is the Amazing Race. They are getting down to the wire now with only four teams remaining. I must admit I hated to see Uchenna and Joyce go. I find myself cheering for Mirna and Charla now. They have overcame so many obstacles they deserve to win. Although I do find them to be very annoying at times. If not them maybe Oswald and Danny.I think the beauty queens made a mistake when they needlessly used a block on Eric and Danielle. That may come back to bite them in the butt. We'll see what happens this week.
Tonight we have Survivor. Will the two tribes finally merge? I wonder where they will live. From the previews it looks like maybe Exile Island. That would be more of a Survivor test than the way they have been living. We'll have to see if the Immunity Idols come into play as well.
Well thats all from me today. It's pouring rain ,a good day to stay in bed. Be sure to check out my latest articles on Associated Content. I really appreciate any comments on the articles.

So on last nights episode of Survivor Rocky finally got booted off.He had a bad attitude and made the other tribe members feel uneasy.I am surprised that he lasted this long.Yao Man found the immunity idol and came up with a great plan to trick the others into thinking the idol was still to be found.He made his own version and buried back in the ground.How funny will it be if someone finds the fake idol and tries to use it.
American Idol was a huge disappointment this week.I was really looking forward to the contestants singing from Gwen Stefani's songs. Instead the majority sang songs that Gwen had been inspired by.The vote was a good one this week except that Sanjaya is still there.While the teeny boppers might like him ,I would hate to see what happens if he were to win.He cannot sing,or dance.His hair was terrible.I just want him to go home.This week the contestants will sing songs from Tony Bennet.
Well that is all I have for you for now.Have a great Friday,get out and enjoy the nice weather.
If you love writing or no someone that does this is the site for you.Associated Content offers a wonderful chance to fine tune your writing skills. You can write about any topic that you want to.The best part of all is you will be paid to write.Associated Content makes an offer for you article and then once a month we are rewarded with a page view bonus.I don't know about you ,but there isn't to many sites that will keep paying you for the page views your article receives.I hadn't been writing much lately and was pleasantly surprised to receive an email from pay pal saying I had gotten money from Associated Content.
Another great thing with Associated Content is they pay through Pay pal three times a week.No waiting for a check to come in the mail.If you think you don't have what it takes to write give it a try.There are writers from all levels of talent and experience on Associated Content.While you might be thinking this is another scam,it's not.I have mad close to $1,000 in a few short months.The opportunity to earn is endless.You are able to write as much or as little as you like.
Here is a link to sign up if you think this is something you would like to try.

I can't thank Associated Content enough for the wonderful opportunity they provide.I am able to stay at home and be here when my daughter gets home from school.I do not have to ask permission for a day off,I can write anytime I feel like it.The flexibility is excellent.If you still are not 100% sure sign up and publish one article.Then make up your mind if it is something for you.There are a great many resources to help you at Associated Content.Check out AC 101 or the forums.There are a great bunch of Content producers willing to help.
Well the rain has moved in and doesn't have any plans of moving on anytime soon.It's a good day to be working on writing some articles.I am glad it's Friday,the weeks seemed to fly right by. I was hoping for a nice sunny weekend to be able to be outdoors.I don't think that is going to happen.It's going to be in the 70's next week though.I love a sunny warm day,makes me feel so carefree and happy.
We don't have any weekend plans as of yet.With the rain it might be a good weekend to rent some movies.The weekends are lousy for television shows.It used to be every weekend was a different show on TV land .Shows like Leave it to Beaver an The Munsters would play for 48 hours straight.I enjoyed those very much,it always left something to fall back on if nothing else was on.Maybe they will come back with those soon.The Last Mimzy starts today ,maybe we will go see it.The previews look very promising.The only problem with going to the movies is my daughter falls asleep everytime.I don't see how anyone could sleep there ,it's so loud.
Well thats really it from me for now.Enjoy your Friday .
Lets start with American Idol last night.Finally America got it right.Stephanie was a wanna be Beyonce.She tried to hard to look and sing like other singers that she let her true self disappear.My favorite is Blake.He has the X factor that Simon keeps referring to.He's original,he brings his beat boxing to the songs and makes them sound great.I hope he goes far.Don't get me wrong some of the other contestants can sing beautifully,but they don't stand out.
Next order of business for the day is my new article on AC.I recently watched a show dealing with prisoners on death row.They were fighting for the prisoners to have better rights.Better rights? How can a person who kills someone in a cruel torturous way complain their rights have been violated? What rights did they violate when they took a life from some innocent person? My article discusses the death penalty and the flaws associated with it.Most on death row will never be executed.They will die from natural causes.If you wish to read the article it can be found here.
Feel free to leave comments expressing your views on the death penalty.I have a few more articles waiting to be approved.One discusses the show How Clean is Your House? and the other deals with spanking.Well enough from me today.Everyone have a great night.
Finally after all the days of twenty degree temps things are looking up.With the first full day of Spring we have a nice 65 degree day.The sun is shining and I actually heard some birds singing this morning.Gotta love Spring. Even if it's going to rain later I still got to have the windows open for a bit.
I was watching TV this morning ,well more like listening while doing other things.They were discussing dust mites and bed bugs.Very nasty little creatures that use your bed for their own personal playground.This also includes being a restroom for the critters. So of course this gave me the creeps and i stripped all the beds in the house and cleaned and washed the bedding.I change the sheets on a regular basis mind you ,but something about hearing there could be bugs sleeping along beside me made me want to do it again.They explained that when you buy a new pillow it weighs a certain amount.Then if you were to weigh the pillow a few years later like to years,it would weigh up to a pound or even more then when new.The reason for the weight increase is the dust mites that have taken up residency in your bedding.
Gives me chills just thinking about it. So last night was American Idol.I was pleasantly surprised how well most of the contestants did. Even Sanjaya improved majorly.I thought it was rather amusing when the little girl was crying in the audience.Simon thought she hated Sanjaya and that was the cause of the tears.Turns out she really likes him.I do believe that is what has saved him in the competition.There are thousands of teeny boppers that think he is the next best thing.I think he has a certain feminine look about him.It's like he hasn't hit puberty.The sad thing is he has already.Guess we will have to see what happens.I am excited to see when they do the J-Lo week and when they try their take at Gwen Stephani.Should make for two interesting weeks.
Well enough rambling from me.I hope everyone is well and having a great first week of Spring.

Another snowy day has found us. I guess we will be enjoying an inside day of fun yet again. I don't know about you,but i can't wait for spring to appear. There is only so much snow and ice I can take in one Winter. It's suppose to reach 17 degrees today.It will feel like a heat wave compared to the single digit temps we've been having. School has been canceled for the third day in a row. So all the parents will be ready for them to go back whenever the weather decides to cooperate.I should be writing some articles,but it's hard to get any work done while my daughter is home.So maybe tomorrow.
Here are some safety tips to help you be prepared for Winter weather. I hope everyone is safe and warm.
The true ups and downs of raising a child with multiple mental illnesses
18 December 2007
12 December 2007
Have a Happy Holiday
Dangers of MySpace; From Addictions to Criminals
Do you know someone who is addicted to MySpace? What about the person who is dating people they meet on there? There are many dangers associated with MySpace. Read on and find out why.
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03 October 2007
01 October 2007
Welcome to October

Well here we are the first day of October. It sure hasn't felt like Fall, or October. The temps are still in the 80's here during the day. I love Fall and really look forward to the cooler days. I can't believe it's October already. Christmas is so close. I am way behind this year. Usually I have a good majority of my shopping complete by now. I have not even started. Oh well, I like shopping when the stores are all decorated and they play holiday music.
It's time to start thinking about Halloween costumes for my daughter. She can be picky so I am not sure what she will want to go as this year. Any suggestions?
Well that is it from the Shockney house today. Have a great day.
Picture created by Debora Brothers
27 August 2007
26 July 2007
Isn't Summer Over Yet?

Photo by Holger Selover-Stephan
Now don't get me wrong I love having my daughter home and the neighborhood kids around, but I really miss my few hours of peace and quiet everyday while the kids are in school. With one month to go until the school bus appears I find myself counting down the days. Surely I am not the only one wishing school was here again. I just need a few hours of quiet to get some work done. We are almost finished with back to school shopping and now it's just a waiting game. The kids are getting bored now, and after spending so much time together they have begun to argue. I would much rather have year long school with two week breaks during each semester. This way the kids can enjoy a break, but they dont get bored. Maybe even a month off during the Summer.
Our county fair starts today. My daughter can't wait until we go. I really enjoy the fair. I love everything about it right down to the smell of the food and the noise of the rides. I love seeing all the rides and attractions lit up at night.
Well I guess that is enough ramblings from me today.I hope everyone is having a safe and happy Summer.
04 July 2007
4th of July
21 June 2007
OFF! Smooth and Dry Insect Repellent
Summer is a time that everyone wants to spend outside. There is always something to do whether it be a day at the pool, or a family cookout. Pesky bugs can put an end to the outdoor fun really fast. OFF! Smooth and Dry insect repellent will help keep the bugs away.
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06 June 2007
18 May 2007
Child Abuse: When Justice Fails
What happens to the abused children that justice fails? How can beating a child with a switch and leaving welts not be considered abuse?
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14 May 2007
11 May 2007
30 April 2007
Tadpoles in my Belly?
Read my latest article about why my daughter thought I had tadpoles in my belly.:)
29 April 2007
Soap Spoilers: What's Gonna Happen on Your Soap?
Would you like to find out what is going to happen on your favorite soap? Check out this article to see where to find all the latest spoilers.
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Should You Have to Wear a Seatbelt?
Do you think having to wear a seatbelt violates your personal rights? Read the article and then leave your comments.
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21 April 2007
20 April 2007
Survivor, American Idol, The Apprentice

Last nights Survivor was one the best I have seen. Tribal council was terrific. The Four Horsemen as they like to call themselves were brought down a level. They have been under the impression they are running the camp. That was proven wrong in last nights episode. They all had big smiles on their faces when Alex presented the Immunity Idol to Jeff. Those smiles soon turned to frowns when they seen Alex wasn't the one being cast off. Edgardo couldn't of been more surprised when Jeff said he was the next to go. Mookie was dumb enough to give the idol away so he deserves to be voted out as well. I have to worry though, from the previews for next weeks show the remaining horsemen find out that Yau-man has the other Immunity Idol. They may try to turn his alliances against him. Hopefully it will not work and another horsemen will leave.
On to American Idol, how great it it that American Idol voters finally got it right. Sanjaya was sent packing. No more bad hair-dos and hideous vocals. The remaining contestant all have something Sanjaya lacked, talent. This next weeks show looks to be a huge deal. They have several stars appearing in a special two night event. I don't know what genre the contestants will sing from. It looks to be a very entertaining show with all the celebrities.
This week is the season finale of The Apprentice. I am cheering for Frankie. He is the outspoken rough guy from the Bronx. He has such a strong drive, I really believe he would be a great asset to Trump and his company. This year they are doing things different. Usually they had two finalists and they would put on some big fundraisers or event. This year they have four finalists and no event. It will be interesting to see how Mr. Trump makes his choice.
Well thats all from me for now. It is going to be a beautiful day so get out there and enjoy it.
12 April 2007
Windex Dry Microfiber Cloths
Have you tried the Windex Dry Microfiber cloths yet? I put them to the test doing some spring cleaning. Find out if they lived up to their claims.
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American Idol :Haley gets Voted Off

Well at least American got the voting better this week. While I can't wait for Sanjaya to leave I am pleased with Haley going home. Simon had it right when he said she was wearing as little clothing as possible. Good looks won't always help you. As far as Sanjaya goes, he gives me the creeps. One of these days America has to wake up and realize they can't vote him to be the next American Idol.
Next order of business for the day is the Amazing Race. They are getting down to the wire now with only four teams remaining. I must admit I hated to see Uchenna and Joyce go. I find myself cheering for Mirna and Charla now. They have overcame so many obstacles they deserve to win. Although I do find them to be very annoying at times. If not them maybe Oswald and Danny.I think the beauty queens made a mistake when they needlessly used a block on Eric and Danielle. That may come back to bite them in the butt. We'll see what happens this week.
Tonight we have Survivor. Will the two tribes finally merge? I wonder where they will live. From the previews it looks like maybe Exile Island. That would be more of a Survivor test than the way they have been living. We'll have to see if the Immunity Idols come into play as well.
Well thats all from me today. It's pouring rain ,a good day to stay in bed. Be sure to check out my latest articles on Associated Content. I really appreciate any comments on the articles.
Amazing Race,
American Idol,
Associated Content,
11 April 2007
Product Reviews by Heather
I like trying out new products and seeing if they live up to their claims.I also like to save people from throwing money away on products that are flops.If you have a request of a product you would like to see reviewed leave a message on the guest-book.
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Product Review: Micro Innovations Wireless Internet Keyboard and Optical Mo
Find out if the Micro Innovations Wireless keyboard and Optical mouse are a good buy.
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10 April 2007
Religion :Everyone Should Have a Choice
Everyone should be entitled to their own religious beliefs.Often we are told our religion is wrong,and we should believe another way.Who is to say which religion is right?
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09 April 2007
Articles Dealing with Different health Conditions
Articles dealing with PCOS,herbal treatments,diabetes,insulin resistance,and misc.
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01 April 2007
Disciplining Your Child: To Spank or Not to Spank
DO you use spanking as a form of discipline? Were you spanked as a child? Do you think spanking leads to long term issues?
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Do You Live in a House of Filth? Expert's Advice on How to Clean Your House
Has it been awhile since you last cleaned your house? Are there cobwebs on top of every surface ? Is there things in the fridge that could walk out on their own?
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31 March 2007
Shower Soothers (Vaporizing Shower Tablets) Review
A review for Shower Soothers Vaporizing shower tablets.Find out if they lived up to their claims.
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Insulin Resistance - The Pre-diabetes that Most Are Unaware Of
Many people are not aware of the dangers of Insulin Resistance.Find out common symptoms of Insulin resistance and how it can be treated.
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How to Get Rid of Lice
Ways to rid your children of head lice.These suggested ways do not use harsh chemicals found in products at the drug store.
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30 March 2007
Rocky got the Boot

So on last nights episode of Survivor Rocky finally got booted off.He had a bad attitude and made the other tribe members feel uneasy.I am surprised that he lasted this long.Yao Man found the immunity idol and came up with a great plan to trick the others into thinking the idol was still to be found.He made his own version and buried back in the ground.How funny will it be if someone finds the fake idol and tries to use it.
American Idol was a huge disappointment this week.I was really looking forward to the contestants singing from Gwen Stefani's songs. Instead the majority sang songs that Gwen had been inspired by.The vote was a good one this week except that Sanjaya is still there.While the teeny boppers might like him ,I would hate to see what happens if he were to win.He cannot sing,or dance.His hair was terrible.I just want him to go home.This week the contestants will sing songs from Tony Bennet.
Well that is all I have for you for now.Have a great Friday,get out and enjoy the nice weather.
28 March 2007
27 March 2007
Do you love to write?
If you love writing or no someone that does this is the site for you.Associated Content offers a wonderful chance to fine tune your writing skills. You can write about any topic that you want to.The best part of all is you will be paid to write.Associated Content makes an offer for you article and then once a month we are rewarded with a page view bonus.I don't know about you ,but there isn't to many sites that will keep paying you for the page views your article receives.I hadn't been writing much lately and was pleasantly surprised to receive an email from pay pal saying I had gotten money from Associated Content.
Another great thing with Associated Content is they pay through Pay pal three times a week.No waiting for a check to come in the mail.If you think you don't have what it takes to write give it a try.There are writers from all levels of talent and experience on Associated Content.While you might be thinking this is another scam,it's not.I have mad close to $1,000 in a few short months.The opportunity to earn is endless.You are able to write as much or as little as you like.
Here is a link to sign up if you think this is something you would like to try.
I can't thank Associated Content enough for the wonderful opportunity they provide.I am able to stay at home and be here when my daughter gets home from school.I do not have to ask permission for a day off,I can write anytime I feel like it.The flexibility is excellent.If you still are not 100% sure sign up and publish one article.Then make up your mind if it is something for you.There are a great many resources to help you at Associated Content.Check out AC 101 or the forums.There are a great bunch of Content producers willing to help.
23 March 2007
It's Raining It's Pouring...
Well the rain has moved in and doesn't have any plans of moving on anytime soon.It's a good day to be working on writing some articles.I am glad it's Friday,the weeks seemed to fly right by. I was hoping for a nice sunny weekend to be able to be outdoors.I don't think that is going to happen.It's going to be in the 70's next week though.I love a sunny warm day,makes me feel so carefree and happy.
We don't have any weekend plans as of yet.With the rain it might be a good weekend to rent some movies.The weekends are lousy for television shows.It used to be every weekend was a different show on TV land .Shows like Leave it to Beaver an The Munsters would play for 48 hours straight.I enjoyed those very much,it always left something to fall back on if nothing else was on.Maybe they will come back with those soon.The Last Mimzy starts today ,maybe we will go see it.The previews look very promising.The only problem with going to the movies is my daughter falls asleep everytime.I don't see how anyone could sleep there ,it's so loud.
Well thats really it from me for now.Enjoy your Friday .
22 March 2007
Another Day Another Dollar
Lets start with American Idol last night.Finally America got it right.Stephanie was a wanna be Beyonce.She tried to hard to look and sing like other singers that she let her true self disappear.My favorite is Blake.He has the X factor that Simon keeps referring to.He's original,he brings his beat boxing to the songs and makes them sound great.I hope he goes far.Don't get me wrong some of the other contestants can sing beautifully,but they don't stand out.
Next order of business for the day is my new article on AC.I recently watched a show dealing with prisoners on death row.They were fighting for the prisoners to have better rights.Better rights? How can a person who kills someone in a cruel torturous way complain their rights have been violated? What rights did they violate when they took a life from some innocent person? My article discusses the death penalty and the flaws associated with it.Most on death row will never be executed.They will die from natural causes.If you wish to read the article it can be found here.
Feel free to leave comments expressing your views on the death penalty.I have a few more articles waiting to be approved.One discusses the show How Clean is Your House? and the other deals with spanking.Well enough from me today.Everyone have a great night.
21 March 2007
Spring has Sprung!
Finally after all the days of twenty degree temps things are looking up.With the first full day of Spring we have a nice 65 degree day.The sun is shining and I actually heard some birds singing this morning.Gotta love Spring. Even if it's going to rain later I still got to have the windows open for a bit.
I was watching TV this morning ,well more like listening while doing other things.They were discussing dust mites and bed bugs.Very nasty little creatures that use your bed for their own personal playground.This also includes being a restroom for the critters. So of course this gave me the creeps and i stripped all the beds in the house and cleaned and washed the bedding.I change the sheets on a regular basis mind you ,but something about hearing there could be bugs sleeping along beside me made me want to do it again.They explained that when you buy a new pillow it weighs a certain amount.Then if you were to weigh the pillow a few years later like to years,it would weigh up to a pound or even more then when new.The reason for the weight increase is the dust mites that have taken up residency in your bedding.
Gives me chills just thinking about it. So last night was American Idol.I was pleasantly surprised how well most of the contestants did. Even Sanjaya improved majorly.I thought it was rather amusing when the little girl was crying in the audience.Simon thought she hated Sanjaya and that was the cause of the tears.Turns out she really likes him.I do believe that is what has saved him in the competition.There are thousands of teeny boppers that think he is the next best thing.I think he has a certain feminine look about him.It's like he hasn't hit puberty.The sad thing is he has already.Guess we will have to see what happens.I am excited to see when they do the J-Lo week and when they try their take at Gwen Stephani.Should make for two interesting weeks.
Well enough rambling from me.I hope everyone is well and having a great first week of Spring.
19 March 2007
The weekends are too short.
The weekend has came and gone once again.I didn't get anything done that I wanted to.It was too cold outside and I wasn't feeling well.The darn weather has everyone sick .Hopefully with spring arriving tomorrow it will begin to stay nice. I am not one for cold weather.I like snow on Christmas and then I have had my fill. I don't mind the nights to be chilly,I enjoy the crisp fall air too.I just don't like the days of 20 degrees. Soon this will be behind us and we will be complaining of the heat.
I have taken a break from writing.It really wasn't an intentional break.I just can't seem to get motivated to write.I think about topics I would like to write about.but that is as far as I have gotten.I have to get back to writing ,I need to be strict and set aside a certain number of hours a week to devote to my writing.The sad thing is I love to write.I have very strong opinions on certain subjects and like a good debate.So why is it I can't put my thoughts to paper? Associated Content has made some wonderful improvements to their site for the writers.I am thrilled with the page view bonus.I try and promote my content and now it will be worth the extra effort. If anyone is interested in doing some writing of their own I highly recommend Associated Content.Here is a link to the site
They offer a great opportunity to improve one's writing skills.
Tonight Prison Break returns .They only have a few episodes remaining for the season.I can't wait to see if Lincoln and Michael get on the ship and escape.I also want to see T-bag get captured.He is a menace to society and should be locked away forever.A lot of the shows we watch are on a break it seems so maybe I will get to watch a few new ones. We enjoy watching How Clean IS Your House,on BBC at 7:30pm weeknights. The houses they go into to clean are scary.One last week found dead mice under the junk laying around in the house.She was a cleaner for others to boot.Some of the houses should be condemned they are so filthy.
Well enough from me for today.I hope everyone is well and enjoying their week.
I have taken a break from writing.It really wasn't an intentional break.I just can't seem to get motivated to write.I think about topics I would like to write about.but that is as far as I have gotten.I have to get back to writing ,I need to be strict and set aside a certain number of hours a week to devote to my writing.The sad thing is I love to write.I have very strong opinions on certain subjects and like a good debate.So why is it I can't put my thoughts to paper? Associated Content has made some wonderful improvements to their site for the writers.I am thrilled with the page view bonus.I try and promote my content and now it will be worth the extra effort. If anyone is interested in doing some writing of their own I highly recommend Associated Content.Here is a link to the site
They offer a great opportunity to improve one's writing skills.
Tonight Prison Break returns .They only have a few episodes remaining for the season.I can't wait to see if Lincoln and Michael get on the ship and escape.I also want to see T-bag get captured.He is a menace to society and should be locked away forever.A lot of the shows we watch are on a break it seems so maybe I will get to watch a few new ones. We enjoy watching How Clean IS Your House,on BBC at 7:30pm weeknights. The houses they go into to clean are scary.One last week found dead mice under the junk laying around in the house.She was a cleaner for others to boot.Some of the houses should be condemned they are so filthy.
Well enough from me for today.I hope everyone is well and enjoying their week.
12 March 2007
It's been awhile
Hello all,nothing really new happening here. We have been working outside fixing the messes left from the previous owner.Finally have a front porch that is safe to be on. I am so glad to see the weather finally getting nice.It's suppose to be in the 60's for most of the week.Not to much planned for the week.Some of the TV shows we watch are on a break for a couple weeks so maybe I will get caught up on some writing.I hate when a show leaves for weeks at a time.
Last night Rob and Amber were the ones to be eliminated on Amazing Race.I really liked them and hoped they would go far.don't know if we will continue to watch it or not.I would like to see if Mirna and schmirna get the boot next.
I am excited to see American Idol now that they are down to the final 12.I hope that the viewers wake up and realize it's a singing contest not a teen love fest.Sundance was a far better singer the Sanjaya.Should be interesting to see how it pans out.Well I am off to write. Hope all is well with everyone.
Last night Rob and Amber were the ones to be eliminated on Amazing Race.I really liked them and hoped they would go far.don't know if we will continue to watch it or not.I would like to see if Mirna and schmirna get the boot next.
I am excited to see American Idol now that they are down to the final 12.I hope that the viewers wake up and realize it's a singing contest not a teen love fest.Sundance was a far better singer the Sanjaya.Should be interesting to see how it pans out.Well I am off to write. Hope all is well with everyone.
16 February 2007
Feb 16,2007

Happy Birthday little William! He turns one year old today.Little William also welcomed his new sister Kelly home last week.He is such a cute and happy baby.He always has a smile on his face.
In other news it saddens me the way the whole Anna Nicole situation is turning out. Why are there so many people fighting over her body?They didn't care when she was alive why bother now.Let the poor woman be buried next to her son. I don't know about who the father of Dannielyn is ,but that poor child's future is on the line.I truly believe that Howard loves her and would make a wonderful father .He stood by Anna Nicole for many years and loved her through all her faults.I hope the situation is wrapped up soon and they can try to pick up he pieces and build some type of normal life.
Well that is about all that is happening here today.Be sure to check out my new article on How Becoming a Mother Changed my Life. I hope all is well with everyone.
15 February 2007
Well here we are halfway through another week an more snow . School was canceled for two days this week again. I can't wait for winter to be over with. My computer screen decided to die so i got a new lcd monitor .I must say I really like it. I wasn't sure at first,but everything looks so clear and life like. Plus I have a six year warranty. We went and seen Norbit over the past weekend,it was great. Eddie Murphy is wonderful at playing more then one character. This movie is so funny ,people were laughing the whole time.Look for my review on my Associated Content page soon. We have a new addition to our family as well. My niece was born on Feb 8,2007 she is so tiny.Only weighs five pounds. She is beautiful.Her big brother will celebrate his first brithday this week too.Their mommy will be very busy .That is all that is going on in the Shockney house.I hope everyone is doing well.
07 February 2007
Feb 7,2007

Another snowy day has found us. I guess we will be enjoying an inside day of fun yet again. I don't know about you,but i can't wait for spring to appear. There is only so much snow and ice I can take in one Winter. It's suppose to reach 17 degrees today.It will feel like a heat wave compared to the single digit temps we've been having. School has been canceled for the third day in a row. So all the parents will be ready for them to go back whenever the weather decides to cooperate.I should be writing some articles,but it's hard to get any work done while my daughter is home.So maybe tomorrow.
Here are some safety tips to help you be prepared for Winter weather. I hope everyone is safe and warm.
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About me
- Heather
- I have spent most of my adult life( and now that I think about it) my entire life dealing with anxiety. Anxiety controls my entire life. I am never sure from one day to the next if I will be able to leave the house or answer the phone. Now add in Fibromyalgia and I spend most days in constant pain. Sleep is something that I always crave but never am satisfied. I toss and turn all night trying to get comfortable. Restless Leg Syndrome adds to the joy of trying to get a good night's sleep. My hair is falling out hand-fulls at a time. Stress is a major cause of flair ups. I have a daughter with special needs that include Autism, ADHD, Mood d/o-nos, and Obsessive Compulsive tendencies. I am also the caretaker of my 95 yr old grandmother with mental health issues of her own. Stress is a major part of my life. I was diagnosed with PCOS 13 yrs ago. After having a hysterectomy I had hoped for improvement. Of course that did not happen. You all know what they say about if it wasn't for bad luck I would have no luck at all, right? I have found writing to be therapeutic, and hope to help others by letting them know, they are not alone.
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